Sunday, May 30, 2010

Anger Not Good

It's just after lunch and I have yet to have an irrational reaction to anything today. Wow, am I changing? I have a two year old and she is certainly capable of rattling my cage. She generally has a contrary nature about her. But we have been practicing being nice and kind. Nice and kind. My neighbors upstairs have a daily ritual of sweeping their balcony free of either dirt from a planter or cat litter over the side and down onto our patio. I want to go upstairs and knock on the door and ask in a passive/aggressive manner if they are getting stuff from above them? But instead, I merely cleaned up the dirt, wiped off my new grill and let it be. A normal, daily occurrence for some, that being interaction with a neighbor, but for me, it is a dare from my sinful nature to rage and rage magnificently. I don't take the bait. Of course, there are still plenty of hours left today, so I keep on my guard.

1 comment:

Jack Green said...

Dude?! I expected to see daily rants...and replies to the readers. What are you doing? One post in three months? Give me a break! What a joke. What a waste! I hope your neighbors dump the entire kitty box on your precious little porch!